Indoors Aquaponics, stopped — Waleed A. Alzuhair

Aquaponics Blog

Discussing everything related to aquaponics, with focus on home aquaponics projects.

Indoors Aquaponics, stopped

It's been over a year and a half (March, 2013) since we've started the indoors aquaponics project.. Experimentations with multiple variables to gain knowledge and experience, but with the death of our last tilapia (Psycho), we've decided to stop the indoors system until we move to the house.

The plan for the house is to utilize the empty roof for our greenhouse, and it will contain the growbeds and the fish tanks. It's still in design phase, so I have nothing to share at this time.

We'll meet again in a few months, after finishing the house renovation and design.

Many thanks..

Salam, Waleed :)

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