Indoors Aquapoincs, revived
On October 12th, 2014, I stopped the indoors aquaponics system, after a psycho Tiger Tilapia killed all other fish in the tank, then died miserably.
Today, the system is (almost) revived, with the following:
- Fish tank rinsed with water, and brushed all the dust, salt, and residue. No detergent or disinfectant were used. We didn't want to risk harming the growth of new bacteria.
- New water pump installed.
- New (very bright) LEDs were installed. Let's encourage the growth of plants with more lumens. I hope the LEDs will be in the correct spectrum for the plants.
I will keep the water circulating (fill - flush) for a week, before introducing some goldfish and fully grown plants. They're usually very affordable (mint goes for less than US$0.50 a pot), but not organic.
Only 4 LED bulbs were introduced, as they were expensive and I wasn't sure they would work.
Update March 17th, 2016: I scattered some arugula (rocket - جرجير) seeds all over the hydroton, just as a progress baseline. I was surprised it actually flourished.